Lentigines (Age Spots, Liver Spots) - Health Tips

Get practical tips regarding Lentigines (Age Spots, Liver Spots) to help you prepare for your appointments and manage your care from home.

Thoughts on Lentigines (Age Spots, Liver Spots) by Dr. Bill Halmi, MD
February 2021

Lentigines (also referred to as sun spots or liver spots) are small, flat, round spots on the skin that begin to appear later in life in sun-exposed areas. They are particularly common on the face, neck, arms, and backs of the hands, usually sparing the knuckles. A single spot is referred to as a lentigo.

 Q-switched Ruby Laser

The Q-switched Ruby Laser is the most effective treatment for lentigines (brown spots). The treatment is rather quick and feels like a "rubber  band snap". The area will turn darker brown for about a week then peel off and be gone.

The risk of any type of scarring is extremely low. The success rate is over 90%. In short, it is an easy , safe way to get rid of pesky "age spots" with dramatic results.

 Fraxel laser

The Fraxel laser is best for patients who have a diffuse amount of mottled pigment either on their face or arms. The procedure is virtually painless. The area will be pink for a couple of days after the treatment. A patient may need from 1- 3 treatments to gain the maximum benefit. The Fraxel Laser is considered very safe.