Dr. Aries Caesar Gavino Gavino, MD


McGovern Allergy and Asthma Clinic
4710 Bellaire Boulevard
Suite 200
Bellaire, Texas 77401 [MAP]
For an appointment , call (713) 661-1444
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Asthma Treatment During Coronavirus

Living with asthma doesn’t have to be difficult. It’s important to understand the strategies for managing your asthma, especially during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Learn how to identify and reduce triggers, take the appropriate medications, and know what to do in an emergency.

Strategies To Managing Your Asthma

  1. Identifying and reducing contact with asthma triggers.
  2. Understand and take medications as prescribed.
  3. Assess your asthma symptoms and know when it gets worse.
  4. Have a plan in place when an attack happens.

Identifying and Reducing Contact with Asthma Triggers

Know your triggers! Irritants can include smoke, air pollution, strong fumes, or something else entirely. Not knowing what triggers your asthma can put you at risk for a flareup when in certain environments. You can identify these triggers by paying attention to your lung function, taking note of any shortness of breath, chest tightness, coughing, or wheezing.

Understand and Take Medications as Prescribed

Medications are important for helping control your asthma and should be taken as directed by our physicians. The types and doses of asthma medications you need depend on your age, your symptoms, the severity of your asthma, and medication side effects. Because your asthma can change over time, our doctors will work closely with you to track your symptoms and adjust your asthma medications, if needed.

Know When Your Symptoms Get Worse & Have A Plan In Place

It’s important to know when your asthma flareup get too severe for you to manage, and when to get emergency assistance. If you experience severe chest or throat tightening, coughing that won’t stop, and are unable to breathe, call 911 immediately. Reliever medication should be used immediately on the onset of the asthma attack, but if the person does not have their medication with them, you should encourage them to sit upright and take long, deep breaths. It is essential that during an asthma attack, the person refrains from bending over and constricting their airways further.

COVID-19 & Asthma

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) has advised that those living with moderate to severe asthma could be at greater risk of contracting coronavirus (COVID-19), and respiratory issues caused by the disease can trigger an asthma attack. It’s crucial during this period that if you are living with asthma to maintain your asthma treatment strategies to keep it under control, wash your hands frequently, and practice safe social distancing. Contact your allergist to ensure you have all of your asthma medications up to date and to address any questions or concerns about asthma and COVID-19.