Dr. Ciro Martins, MD


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Chemical Peels at CRM Dermatology

Chemical Peels are cosmetic procedures in which chemical agents are applied to the skin in order to cause exfoliation of the damaged, more superficial skin cell layers. These old skin cell layers are replaced by new, healthier, more youthful looking skin. This will result in firmer appearance to the skin, homogenization of skin tone, and color smoothening of the texture and reduction of fine lines. Chemical peels are administered in a series of increasing concentrations spaced several weeks apart, in order to achieve the desired amount of correction. Chemical peels are the least aggressive skin rejuvenation treatments available and are also the most affordable. They are usually the treatment of choice by younger patients with minimal damage to be corrected.

The following problems can be corrected or improved by chemical peels:

  • Fine wrinkles and lines
  • Dull, uneven skin tone
  • Rough texture of skin
  • Dark skin patches and spots
  • Active acne
  • Very superficial acne scars
  • Chronic sun damage
  • Enlarged pores

Chemical peels can be classified, according to their depth of exfoliation as superficial, medium or deep peels. Most of the peels offered nowadays in an office setting are superficial to medium depth peels. Examples are alpha hydroxyl acid (AHA) peels (Glycolic acid peels), salicylic acid peels and retinoic acid peels. The procedure is done in the office and it takes from 15 to 30 minutes to be completed.

The majority of patients who undergo chemical peels are very pleased with the immediate results. Some patients may require additional treatments to achieve the desired results and some choose to have a monthly chemical peel to ensure maintenance of fresh, healthy looking skin.

Superficial peels result in mild facial redness and occasional swelling which usually resolve within 48 hours. The peeling is similar to a sunburn and most people can continue their normal activities. Make-up can be applied a few hours after the procedure.

Glycolic Acid Peels- The typical alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) peel involves the use of glycolic acid, which is derived from sugar cane, at concentrations of 50% or higher.

For more information or evaluation, we recommend that you schedule a consultation by calling (410) 532-7546.