Dr. Helen Torok, MD



Cosmetic Dermatology

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Trillium Creek Dermatology
5783 Wooster Pike
Medina, Ohio 44256 [MAP]
For an appointment , call (330) 725-0569
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Psoriasis Treatment at Trillium Creek

Papulosquamous diseases cause papules (or plaques) and scaling of the skin in men and women of all age. Psoriasis is the most common of this group, and the most common type of psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, typically affects the elbows, knees, scalp and nails. Other common conditions in this category include seborrheic dermatitis and pitiriasis rosea.


Psoriasis is caused by overactive T cells in the immune system that trigger increased production of skin cells. These extra skin cells collect on the surface of the skin and form red, raised, scaly patches. Psoriasis is not contagious but it may be hereditary. Lesions may be itchy and painful, and the psychological effects of the disease can be severe.


While there is no known cure for psoriasis, a wide array of treatment options can usually lead alleviate the symptoms. Your Trillium Creek Dermatology Medical Professional will formulate a multi-faceted treatment plan depending on the variety, severity and longevity of your condition. Treatments include topical lotions, ointments, or shampoos; ultraviolet light therapy using both UVA and UVB; and system-wide medications including biologicals aimed at controlling T cell production.