Dr. Helen Torok, MD



Cosmetic Dermatology

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Trillium Creek Dermatology
5783 Wooster Pike
Medina, Ohio 44256 [MAP]
For an appointment , call (330) 725-0569
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Tissue Tightening

Tissue tightening is a non-invasive procedure performed by the medical professionals at Trillium Creek aimed at tightening and/or lifting sagging, wrinkled skin.


Trillium Creeks tissue tightening treatment uses medium to deep heating of the skin to produce immediate tissue tightening and collagen contraction, followed by continued collagen production over a 6 month period.
Tissue tightening treatment benefits:

  • Tightens sagging skin and smooths fine lines and wrinkles
  • Painless procedure with no downtime
  • Generally administered to the face, neck, upper arms, and the abdomen

The benefits of tissue tightening are enhanced when paired with a skin resurfacing treatment, resulting in total non-surgical restoration. Resurfacing is performed at Trillium Creek with Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) treatment and/or Sciton® ProFractionalTM Laser treatment to erase superficial wrinkling, brown spots, rough skin, enlarged pores, acne scarring and other irregularities of the skin.
A combination of tissue tightening and laser rejuvenation therapies is ideal for anyone who is contemplating a surgical procedure but doesn't want the complications, downtime or expense associated with surgery. Tissue tightening and laser rejuvenation combined cost about one-third of a surgical procedure.


A Trillium Creek medical professional first applies electrodes to treatment areas, then dispenses a controlled amount of infrared light pulsed into the skin at specifically timed intervals. A cooling tip on the electrode prevents the skin from getting burned and makes the procedure comfortable. The procedure takes about 1 hour but could vary depending on the size of the area treated. Several treatments are recommended to achieve the final result as it takes time to build new collagen.


A series of treatments generally at 4–6 week intervals will deliver the best result of smoother, tighter skin. At the initial consultation, your Trillium Creek medical professional will determine the number of treatments required to achieve your desired results.