Featured Saint Clair Shores Allergists

Learn more about the medical training and expertise of allergists in Saint Clair Shores Michigan. Select from the list of allergists below.

Expert Tips & Wisdom

Allergen Immunotherapy

by Anne White, MD
A parent should look at the safety, efficacy, and commitment required for allergy immunotherapy or SLIT to be successful. Allergy shots are a 3-5 year commitment. During allergy immunotherapy pat... More...

Asthma Treatment and Medication

by Anne White, MD
Asthma treatment is made based on the patient's history, physical examination, and spirometry results.  It is important to obtain a thorough history looking for triggers such as nasal allergi... More...

Biologics for Eczema

by Anne White, MD
There a 2 FDA-approved biologics for the treatment of moderate-severe eczema. These include dupilumab and tralokinumab which are monoclonal antibodies. Dupilumab is now available to treat severe eczem... More...

Biologics for Severe Asthma

by Anne White, MD
Biologics for asthma is based on phenotypes of asthma.  Xolair is used for allergic asthma which is based on perennial allergens and IgE levels.  There are 4 other biologics for benralizumab... More...

COVID-19 Vaccines

by Anne White, MD
COVID-19  vaccines are safe and effective. Like many other vaccines, one can experience side effects.  These vaccines have a low risk of anaphylactic or allergic reactions. Patients wit... More...

Moisturizers for Eczema

by Anne White, MD
Moisturization is the key to controlling eczema since dry skin is a trigger for the scratch-itch-scratch cycle. Moisturization creams such as Vanicream, Cerave, Aveeno, Lubriderm, etc. are all allergy... More...