Featured Kailua Cardiologists

Learn more about the medical training and expertise of cardiologists in Kailua Hawaii. Select from the list of cardiologists below.

Patient Education

Heart Failure (CHF)

Heart failure is due to the heart being unable pump enough blood to meet the body’s needs. Early diagnosis and treatment can help those with heart failure to live longer, more active lives. Your cardiologist will select a treatment based on the type of heart failure, the severity of your symptoms, and your response to past treatments. More...

High Blood Pressure Treatment

High blood pressure usually has no symptoms, but can lead serious medical problems, including heart failure, kidney failure, and stroke. If you have high blood pressure (hypertension), your cardiologist may recommend a treatment plan to bring your blood pressure under control. Treatment options include lifestyle changes (dietary changes, weight loss, smoking cessation) and blood pressure medications. More...

Statins for High Cholesterol

Statins are a commonly-prescribed cholesterol-lowering medication that reduce levels of "bad cholesterol" in the blood. A statin is often prescribed if a healthy-heart diet and regular exercise have not reduced cholesterol levels. When prescribing a statin, your cardiologist will consider several factors, including your age, total and LDL cholesterol levels, and your response to other treatments. More...