Dr. Bobby Buka, MD


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Bobby Buka, M.D.
220 Front Street
New York, New York 10038 [MAP]
For an appointment , call (212) 385-3700
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Irritant Eczema (IE)

This is the simplest form of eczema caused by rapid dehydration. Chapped lips and cheeks from windburn is perhaps the most common manifestation of this eczema. Any environmental feature that can rapidly desiccate (dry) skin is considered an irritant. Even water within a wet bathing suit can evoke red, itchy skin, and can be considered an irritant. Some mechanical forces can trigger an irritant dermatitis as well. Straps and belts are notorious induces of irritant eczema.

Removal of the irritant is, of course, the first step toward improving the resultant inflammation. Next is repairing the skin barrier.

The key to treating any type of eczema is 1) Removing any contributors to the eczema and 2) Re-hydrating the skin so that it remains protected.