Featured Beverly Hills Allergists

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Expert Tips & Wisdom

Eczema. What Can I Do?

by Michelle Yasharpour, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
Moisturize! Slathering on a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer is one of the best ways to naturally treat eczema. Healthy skin cells are plumped up with water, forming a protective barrier against ... More...

Dust Mite Control

by Michelle Yasharpour, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
Dust mites are microscopic eight-legged creatures in the family of arachnids. People who are allergic to dust mites react to proteins within the bodies and feces of the mites which are found mostly in... More...

Outdoor Pollen Avoidance

by Michelle Yasharpour, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
In Southern California, pollination lasts year-round. Stay indoors with windows closed as much as possible, especially when the air levels of the pollen and/or mold that you are allergic to are h... More...

Outdoor and Indoor Mold Avoidance

by Michelle Yasharpour, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
Outdoor Mold Avoidance Avoid raking the leaves. Stay away from compost piles. Stay away from heavily wooded areas. Avoid cutting the grass. Stay away from hay bales. Indoor Mold Avo... More...

Cockroach Allergy Control

by Michelle Yasharpour, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
Hire a pest control expert/exterminator. Block all areas where roaches could enter the home, including crevices, wall cracks and windows. Fix and seal all leaky faucets and pipes, because cockr... More...

Pet Allergen Control

by Michelle Yasharpour, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
There are no “hypoallergenic” breeds of cats or dogs. Giving the pet away is the best control, which most pet owners are unwilling to do. Even after removing a cat from the home, the le... More...

Injectable Epinephrine

by Michelle Yasharpour, MD, FACAAI, FAAAAI
Always carry 2 devices with you, 1 in 5 patients experiencing anaphylaxis don’t improve after the first injection Epinephrine is light and temperature sensitive, make sure that you don&rsqu... More...