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Expert Tips & Wisdom
Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumac Treatment
by Steven Kern, MD
Hydroquinone and Sun Protection
by Steven Kern, MD
Shingles (Herpes Zoster)
by Steven Kern, MD
Perioral Dermatitis
by Steven Kern, MD
Keratosis Pilaris
by Steven Kern, MD
by Steven Kern, MD
Facial Flushing
by Steven Kern, MD
Coal Tar for Psoriasis
by Steven Kern, MD
Boils and Carbuncles
by Steven Kern, MD
Anthralin for Psoriasis
by Steven Kern, MD
Aging Skin & Wrinkles
by Steven Kern, MD
What to do about Moles?
by Steven Kern, MD
Tips for Dry Skin
by Steven Kern, MD
Tips to Avoid Itching
by Steven Kern, MD
What is an AK?
by Steven Kern, MD
Seborrheic Keratosis
by Steven Kern, MD
Patient Education
Acne Treatment
What causes acne? Acne is caused by plugged oil glands. At puberty, the oil glands in the skin start producing an oily material called sebum. This is discharged onto the skin&rs... More...
Atopic Dermatitis Triggers & Tips
What is Atopic Dermatitis? Atopic dermatitis (atopic eczema) is a fairly common skin disease that affects about 3% of the U.S. population. It tends to occur in families who have asthma, ... More...
What is a dermatofibroma? A dermatofibroma is a slowly-growing, round to oval, brownish to purple, firm skin growth that is usually dome-shaped, but may be depressed below the skin surface. &n... More...
NeoSkin by Aerolase
NeoSkin by Aerolase is the perfect anti-aging solution for all ages and all skin types who either want to keep their skin clear and youthful or for those that want to turn back the clock and regain a ... More...
Poison Ivy and Poison Oak Overview
What causes poison ivy or poison oak rash? Poison ivy and poison oak rashes are caused by allergy to a substance called urushiol found in these plants. Since urushiol is found in all par... More...
Psoriasis of the Scalp Treatment
Use the medication selected by your dermatologist. The choices will depend on the severity of your scalp involvement. Tar Shampoo: Wet the scalp thoroughly in the shower. Then apply a sham... More...
Psoriasis Overview
What is psoriasis? A chronic skin disorder that affects at least 4 million people in the United States. What causes psoriasis? No one knows. Skin injury, emotional stress and some forms of in... More...
Tinea Versicolor
What Causes Tinea Versicolor? Tinea Versicolor is a harmless skin disorder caused by a yeast-like organism living on normal skin. Usually, this yeast, which all of us have on our skin, g... More...