Featured Hoover Pulmonologists
Learn more about the medical training and expertise of pulmonologists in Hoover Alabama. Select from the list of pulmonologists below.
Expert Tips & Wisdom
Asthma Treatment and Medications
by Nabil Abouchala, MD, FACP, FCCP
Find out all factors contributing to poor control and discuss them with patient in detail, revisit this issue during every visit and make sure all factors contributing to poor control have been a...
Biologics for Severe Asthma (Video)
by Nabil Abouchala, MD, FACP, FCCP
Important role in specific type of patients who have allergy background and failed to respond to traditional inhaler treatment despite best efforts by patient and physician. A lot of research is publi...
COVID-19 Vaccines: Key Things to Know
by Nabil Abouchala, MD, FACP, FCCP
Highly recommended all the time, COVID 19 is causing severe tracheal bronchitis affecting asthmatics in a severe way leading to protracted illness, long cough and wheezing that cannot be controlled ju...