Lung Function Tests - Health Tips

Thoughts on Lung Function Tests by Dr. Ty Prince, MD
April 2022


Numbers are important in asthma. Often there is a large disconnect between how people perceive their asthma severity and what the objective numbers tell us. Lung function in asthma is measured with a test called spirometry. Spirometry measures the bellows function of the lungs- how well we move air in and out. Spirometry can be used to diagnose asthma, to help us gauge asthma severity, and to monitor response to asthma therapy. Spirometry is critical to the diagnosis and management of asthma. It is so important that the AAAAI lists it as one of their most important recommendations to physicians in their Choosing Wisely initiative.

Source: Vivacare
Last updated : 2/10/2023

Lung Function Tests - Health Tips originally published by Vivacare