Dr. Daniel Olivero, MD


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Daniel Olivero, M.D.
Suite 4
Port Matilda, Pennsylvania 16870-7725
For an appointment, call (814) 499-3009

About Dr. Daniel Olivero, MD

Any doctor can prescribe medication, maximizing your child's health and developmental potential is my dedication.

Conditions Treated

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Atopic Dermatitis
Ear Infection (Otitis Media)
Learning Disabilities

Procedures & Services

Vaccines (Immunizations)
Well Child Checks

Patient Education Resources

Are inhaled corticosteroids safe to use for my asthma?
Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) are a type of medication that is commonly used to treat asthma and other respiratory conditions. They are considered safe because they are delivered directly to the lungs...
I have asthma. Should I have an asthma action plan?
It's important for those with asthma to have an asthma action plan.An asthma action plan is a written document that outlines specific steps for managing asthma symptoms and preventing asthma attac...
Is there a treatment for food allergy?
The treatment for food allergies is to strictly avoid the allergenic food, and in case of accidental exposure, the use of rescue medications such as antihistamines and epinephrine (injectable) in the ...
What are treatments for my child’s asthma?
The treatment of childhood asthma is similar to that of adult asthma, but there are some important considerations.The main goal of treatment is to control symptoms, prevent exacerbations and improve t...
What types of pollen trigger allergies?
Pollen is a fine powder that is released by trees, grasses, and weeds during the spring, summer, and fall. When these pollens come into contact with the eyes, nose, and lungs of people who are sensiti...