Dr. David Vasily, MD


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Lehigh Valley Dermatology Associates, LTD
940 N New Street
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 18018
For an appointment, call (610) 866-2010

Medical Expertise of Dr. David Vasily, MD

Dr. Vasily’s special interests in dermatology include the treatment of psoriasis for which he has gained national recognition. His areas of interest also include contact dermatitis and dermatologic manifestations of internal disease and skin infections in athletes, including wrestlers.

About Dr. David Vasily, MD

Dr. David B. Vasily, MD is a board-certified Bethlehem dermatologist providing care to patients atLehigh Valley Dermatology Associates. Dr. Vasily is also the author of the NCAA guidelines on the disposition of skin infections in wrestlers and has served as the team dermatologist at Lehigh University for 33 years.

Conditions Treated

Aging Skin & Wrinkles
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis
Hair Loss (Balding)
Seborrheic Keratosis
Skin Cancer

Patient Education Resources

How can a dermatologist make me appear more youthful?
A dermatologist can make you appear more youthful by using a variety of treatments, such as:Topical creams and serums that contain ingredients like retinoids and hyaluronic acid to improve skin textur...
How do I find out if I have skin cancer?
The best way to find out if you have skin cancer is to have a skin examination performed by a healthcare professional such as a dermatologist. They will visually inspect your skin for any suspicious m...
How Does Isotretinoin Work to Treat Acne?
Isotretinoin, previously marketed as Accutane, is a medication that is used to treat severe cystic acne that has not responded to other treatments. Isotretinoin is a form of vitamin A and works by ...
Rosacea Medication Savings
Click on the image to access medication savings In most cases, this form must be submitted along with proof of having purchased the medication from the pharmacy. Offers may be time-limit...
What is the treatment for nail fungus?
Treatment for nail fungus (onychomycosis) can be challenging, as the fungus can be difficult to eliminate and may recur. Treatment options include:Topical antifungal medication: Over-the-counter antif...

Education & Training

BS in Biology: Moravian College Medical Degree: SUNY at Buffalo School of Medicine Internal Medicine Residency: Allentown Hospital Dermatology Residency: Geisinger Medical Center

Professional Affiliations