What can reduce the appearance of my acne scars?

Acne scars can be treated with a variety of methods, including:

  • Topical treatments: Topical creams and gels containing ingredients such as retinoids, hydroquinone, and vitamin C can help to reduce the appearance of acne scars.
  • Chemical Peels: Chemical peels use acid solutions to remove the top layers of skin, which can help to reduce the appearance of scars.
  • Microdermabrasion: A procedure in which the skin is gently sanded to remove the top layers and help reduce the appearance of scars.
  • Dermal fillers: Injectable dermal fillers can be used to fill in indentations caused by acne scars.
  • Laser therapy: Various laser therapies can be used to reduce the appearance of acne scars by stimulating collagen production in the skin.
  • Dermabrasion: A procedure where a handheld tool uses a spinning diamond wheel to remove the top layers of the skin, this can be helpful for deep acne scars.
  • Subcision: A procedure in which a needle is used to release the fibrous bands that are pulling on the skin and causing the scarring.

It's important to consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon to determine the best treatment plan for your specific case of acne scars, as the treatment may depend on the type and severity of the scars.

Source: Vivacare
Last updated : 1/27/2023

What can reduce the appearance of my acne scars? originally published by Vivacare

