Dr. Kappa Peddy, MD, FAAD


Dermatology Consultants, Inc.
1330 Oak Lane, Suite 101
Lynchburg, Virginia 24503
For an appointment, call (434) 847-6132

About Dr. Kappa Peddy, MD, FAAD

Dr. Kappa Peddy is a Board Certified Dermatologist she has been in private practice with Dermatology Consultants since 2000.

Conditions Treated

Aging Skin & Wrinkles
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
Atopic Dermatitis
Hair Loss (Balding)
Seborrheic Keratosis
Skin Cancer

Patient Education Resources

How can a dermatologist make me appear more youthful?
A dermatologist can make you appear more youthful by using a variety of treatments, such as:Topical creams and serums that contain ingredients like retinoids and hyaluronic acid to improve skin textur...
How do biologics work to treat my eczema?
Biologics are a class of medications that can be used to treat eczema, a chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation and itching. Biologics work by targeting specific parts of the immune syst...
How Does Isotretinoin Work to Treat Acne?
Isotretinoin, previously marketed as Accutane, is a medication that is used to treat severe cystic acne that has not responded to other treatments. Isotretinoin is a form of vitamin A and works by ...
What is the treatment for nail fungus?
Treatment for nail fungus (onychomycosis) can be challenging, as the fungus can be difficult to eliminate and may recur. Treatment options include:Topical antifungal medication: Over-the-counter antif...
What is the treatment for skin cancer?
Treatment for skin cancer will depend on the type and stage of the cancer, as well as the location and size of the tumor, and the patient's overall health. The main treatment options for skin canc...

Education & Training

Dr. Peddy received her Bachelor’s Degree from Davidson College and her Medical Doctorate Degree from the Medical College of Georgia. Dr. Peddy completed residency training programs in both internal medicine and dermatology at the University of Utah. Dr. Peddy has over eighteen years of experience conducting clinical research trials in dermatology at the Education and Research Foundation.