Winter is a particularly challenging time for those who suffer with dry skin. But dry skin can be a problem any time of year.
Adding a humidifier to your home can be beneficial. Use a gentle non-soap cleanser for bathing. Harsh soaps can disrupt the skin’s natural protective barrier. Dial down the temperature. Hot water may feel good in the moment, but it strips the skin of its natural oils.
Following the bath or shower gently pat dry. Apply a moisturizer to damp skin. This helps trap the moisture in the skin. For very dry skin a cream may be more effective than a lotion. Facial skin requires special treatment.
Look for products that are made for the face, often labeled ‘noncomedogenic’.

What causes dry skin?
Several factors contribute to dry skin. Repeated exposure to soaps, solvents, hot water, and disinfectants are often at fault. These remove the lipid (oil) from the top layer of skin, allowing water to escapeLow relative humidity and dry, cold winds also “pull” water from the skin. For unknown reasons, certain people (particularly elderly persons) may be more prone to losing skin moisture.
Bathe in lukewarm or cool water. Minimize soaping and scrubbing, limiting soap application to the face, feet, groin and armpits if possible. Use a mild soap such as Dove. More expensive glycerinated soaps are equally good.
Moisturizers (lubricants)
Within three minutes after every bath or shower, pat dry and apply a lubricant (moisturizer) to the entire body. It is important to apply this immediately after drying in order to trap any moisture remaining in your skin from bathing,
If the skin is still dry or itchy the rest of the day, apply moisturizing ointments creams or lotions as often as needed to maintain moist, supple skin.
Products containing glycolic acid or lactic acid are also very effective, particularly with severely dry or scaly skin. The strongest of these, M. D. Forte, Neostrata, and others are available in our office, or LacHydrin is available by prescription. These may cause a burning sensation after application. Other products with less lactic acid include LacHydrin Five, Epilyt lotion, LactiCare, and Nutraderm 30. As your skin improves, you may be able to switch to less expensive standard moisturizers.
It is not necessary to spend large sums of money on “designer brand” moisturizing creams. These provide no advantage over inexpensive brands. Do not be misled by extravagant claims of special “skin rejuvenating” ingredients such as vitamins, collagen, elastin, or amino acids. Such products are not better than standard, inexpensive products.
Bath Oils will also help lubricate the skin. They may be added to the bath water (about a tablespoonful) or applied directly to the skin immediately after bathing (about one teaspoonful mixed in 1/4 cup of warm water can be used as a rubdown). Mineral oil can be applied directly to the skin but does not mix well in the bath water as the commercial bath oils do.
Many people find that oilated colloidal oatmeal, such as Aveeno, (no prescription required) added to bath water reduces itching and also helps to moisturize skin.
If oils are added to the tub, use a rubber bath mat to avoid slipping!
If you have significantly dry skin, do not rely exclusively on bath oils. Also, use regular moisturizing lotions, creams, or ointments as described above.
Avoid wool or acrylic clothing in contact with the skin if these provoke itching. Cotton is usually tolerated the best. Launder with bland soaps and rinse thoroughly.
If you have developed a rash secondary to dry skin (so-called “asteatotic eczema”):
Your doctor may prescribe a topical steroid (cortisone type medication). Apply a thin layer twice per day only where there is a rash. When the rash is gone, discontinue use. However, continue the lubrication suggestions above as long as you have dry skin.

Here are tips that can prevent dry skin or keep it from getting worse.
- Do not use hot water. Hot water removes your natural skin oils more quickly. Warm water is best for bathing.
- Use a gentle cleanser. Soaps can strip oils from the skin. Stop using deodorant bars, antibacterial soaps, perfumed soaps, and skin care products containing alcohol, like hand sanitizers. Look for either a mild, fragrance-free soap or a soap substitute that moisturizes.
- Limit time in the bathtub or shower. A 5- to 10-minute bath or shower adds moisture to the skin. Spending more time in the water often leaves your skin less hydrated than before you started. Do not bathe more often than once a day.
- Moisturize right after baths and showers. To lock in moisture from a bath or shower, apply a moisturizer within 3 minutes while the skin is still damp.
- Before you shave, soften skin. It is best to shave right after bathing, when hairs are soft. To lessen the irritating effects of shaving your face or legs, use a shaving cream or gel. Leave the product on your skin about 3 minutes before starting to shave. Shave in the direction that the hair grows.
- Change razor blades after 5 to 7 shaves. A dull blade bothers dry skin.
- Use a humidifier. Keep the air in your home moist with a humidifier.
- Apply cool cloths to itchy dry skin.
- Soothe chapped lips. At bedtime, apply a lip balm that contains petrolatum. Other names for this ingredient are petroleum jelly and mineral oil.
- Cover up outdoors in winter. In the cold, wear a scarf and gloves to help prevent chapped lips and hands.
- Be good to your face. If you have very dry skin, cleanse your face just once a day, at night. In the morning, rinse your face with cool water.
Make an appointment if your skin continues to be dry, cracks or red, itchy rashes persist for therapeutic moisturizers and prescriptions if needed. Don’t forget that outdoor winter sports and activities add to sun damage. Use sunblocks to any exposed skin area during outdoor activities.
We offer an excellent moisturizing creams (DSC and EltaMD) to help restore and maintain skin hydration. This is important to control eczema of all types.
Source: Vivacare
Last updated : 2/10/2023