Myth #1 You can’t get a sunburn on a cloudy day
Wrong. 80% of the sun’s ultraviolet rays pass through clouds and fog, so the harsh rays can still cause sun damage. Wear sunscreen and reapply, whether it’s cloudy or sunny.
Myth #2 The higher the sunscreen SPF, the longer you can stay in the sun
Nope. SPF is not an indicator of how long a sunscreen protects you from the sun, but how well it protects. And just as important, SPF refers only to protection from UVB rays, not UVA rays. Pro tip, use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with 30+ SPF.
Myth #3 Throw away your sunscreen after every summer
Wrong. Some sunscreens can last up to three years at their original strength. It’s important to check the expiration date. Expired sunscreen though, should definitely not be expected to work
Myth #4 Get a base tan at the tanning salon before heading on summer vacation
This one really makes dermatologists cringe. Stay away from tanning beds altogether! Tanning beds can cause skin cancer—the tan itself is proof of the damage. Opt for a safer and healthier glow with self-tanner. There are a lot of high-quality products and application methods available.

Dry skin, also referred to as xerosis, is often itchy and irritating. Dry skin results from the loss of oils (sebum) in the skin that serve as a natural moisturizer. This may occur with excessive bathing (particularly with hot water), low humidity (in desert climates or cold winter weather), advancing age, or the use of drying soaps (antibacterial, deodorant soaps, Ivory).
In addition, several skin disorders, such as atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, lead to dry skin.
The tendency for dry skin runs in families and is usually a recurring problem, especially in winter. Because of this seasonal occurrence, it is sometimes referred to as “winter itch.”
If you have sensitive skin, use Cheer free or Dreft detergents. Use Dove or Oil of Olay soaps. Use Neutrogena Clean or Free and Clear shampoo. Avoid using products with bleach, fabric softeners, dryer sheets and creams containing Vitamin E.
Use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free moisturizers. The drier the skin, the “thicker” the moisturizer should be. For some people with very dry skin, petrolatum (Vaseline) is quickly absorbed and may be required to sufficiently moisturize the skin. Ointments help the body retain more moisture than creams. Creams retain more moisture than lotions. Some effective moisturizers that are readily available include:
- CeraVe - cream or lotion (CVS or Walgreens only)
- Cetaphil - cream or lotion
- Eucerin - cream or lotion
- Aquaphor - ointment
It is important to regularly apply a moisturizer when your skin becomes dry. Moisturizer is best applied within 3 minutes after a shower or bath when your skin is still damp, but not wet.
In severe cases, your doctor may recommend a urea- or lactic-acid-based product.
Be sure to follow specific instructions given to you by your physician or health care professional.

Everyone loves the delicious homemade food and deserts that surround us during the holidays. We are aware the way our favorite treats can affect our bodies, but what about its effects on our skin?
Holiday Cocktails: Alcohol can make our skin appear pale due to dehydration and it can make our face look puffy. Rosacea, particularly the redness of rosacea, is worsened with alcohol because it dilates blood vessels.
Cookies: All that sugar and chocolate affects our appearances too! Sugar deteriorates collagen and also can make our skin appear dull. High glycemic index foods have been linked to acne as well. Chocolate as with any high sugar food, may trigger acne breakouts. It is thought that the insulin and growth hormone fluctuations with high glycemic index foods are the etiology of the acne flares.
But don't worry too much, some holiday foods are good!
Sweet Potatoes: A delicious food that is high in Vitamin C which encourages the production of collagen and as an antioxidant can help wrinkles and has great general anti-aging properties.
Cocoa Powder and Dark Chocolate: While we said that chocolate is a bad holiday treat, it can be good too! Cocoa powder tends to be made of dark chocolate which is better for your skin. The antioxidants in dark chocolate, called flavonoids, help protect you against sun damage and also reduce the roughness of your skin. Dark chocolate is lower in sugar than milk chocolate varieties as well.
Source: Vivacare
Last updated : 2/10/2023