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Expert Tips & Wisdom

Healthy Hair Starts Within

by Anna Pare, MD
As we age, the state of our hair changes along with the body’s normal hormonal balances and can be affected resulting in lackluster locks. You may be experiencing temporary hair loss due to p... More...

How Much Sun Exposure is Too Much & How to Protect Yourself

by Anna Pare, MD
It’s sunny outside, so you apply sunscreen. But what should you do if the forecast calls for cloudy skies? We recommend you apply sunscreen then, too.  The reality is since we can’... More...

Myths and Misconceptions of Hyperhidrosis

by Anna Pare, MD
Myth: Excessive sweating is just annoying but is not considered a real medical condition. Truth: Hyperhidrosis is a real and definable medical condition that can have severe negative impacts on pat... More...

What sunscreen should I use?

by Richard Sturm, MD, FAAD
Any sunscreen is better than going without, but some types of sunscreen may protect you better or be more suited to your needs than others. Finding the right sunscreen is partly finding one with the r... More...

What moisturizer/lotion should I use?

by Richard Sturm, MD, FAAD
Retaining moisture is an important aspect of skin care, and will not only help your skin feel soft, but also help it maintain health and vitality. Choosing a moisturizer involves knowing your skin typ... More...