Asthma During Pregnancy

It is very important to keep your asthma under control when you become pregnant.

You may feel uneasy about taking your asthma medications while pregnant, but these are important for keeping your asthma under control and having a healthy baby.

A fetus needs a constant supply of oxygen for normal growth and development. Since the fetus gets its oxygen from your blood, any decrease in your blood oxygen levels will affect your growing baby. Keeping asthma symptoms under control helps to ensure that the baby continues to get its oxygen from your blood.

Is it safe to take my asthma medications?

The risks of asthma attack are greater than the risks of taking necessary asthma medications.

Studies show that most inhaled asthma medications are safe for women to use while pregnant.

However, oral medications (pills) are usually avoided unless necessary to control symptoms. Knowing which asthma medications to take is a good reason to stay in close contact with your doctor so he or she can monitor your condition and alter your medications or dosages if needed.

Will being pregnant affect my asthma symptoms?

Pregnancy may affect the severity of your asthma symptoms. One study showed that asthma symptoms were worse in 35% of pregnant women, while 28% of pregnant women showed improvement in their asthma symptoms. 33% of women with asthma had not change during their pregnancy.

Asthma has a tendency to get worse in the late second and early third trimesters; and, many women have fewer symptoms during the last four weeks of pregnancy.

Can women with asthma perform Lamaze?

Most women with asthma are able to do Lamaze breathing techniques without any problems. Asthma symptoms are rare during labor and delivery in women whose asthma has been managed during pregnancy.

Can I breastfeed if I am taking medications for my asthma?

Breastfeeding is a good way to increase your child's immunity, and it is strongly recommended. Medications recommended for use during pregnancy can be continued while nursing, because the baby gets less maternal medicine through breast milk than in the womb. Your doctor can discuss with you the best treatments while nursing.

Although these are common questions during pregnancy, each patient's individual treatment varies. It is best to visit your doctor regularly during pregnancy so that any worsening of asthma can be countered by appropriate changes in your asthma management plan. Make sure to discuss any specific concerns with your physician to ensure the healthiest pregnancy-for your well-being and that of your baby.

Healthy Tips

  • You can have a healthy pregnancy if you have asthma or allergies.
  • Managing your symptoms is very important during pregnancy.
  • Do not stop taking your asthma medications unless told to do so by your doctor.


Source: Vivacare
Last updated : 1/8/2019

Asthma During Pregnancy originally published by Vivacare

