Asthma - What Is It?

Asthma is a long-term lung disease that causes episodes of coughing, wheezing, chest tightness and shortness of breath. Symptoms can be mild or severe, and sometimes life-threatening. Like all chronic illnesses, asthma cannot be cured, but in most cases, asthma is very manageable.

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What causes asthma?

Anyone of any age, family background, race, sex or general health can develop asthma. Researchers think many genetic & environmental factors play a role, especially during the first years of life when the immune system is developing.

  • Family history of asthma or allergies
  • Mother’s smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke or air pollution during pregnancy
  • Early childhood exposure to secondhand smoke, air pollution or indoor allergens such as dust mites, cockroaches or mold
  • Damage to developing lungs due to premature birth or early childhood respiratory illnesses
  • For adults, exposure to chemical irritants or industrial dust in the workplace

How does asthma affect the lungs and airways?

Your lungs look like an upside-down tree. The respiratory system is in the chest and isillustration of the human lungs made up of several different parts:

  • Upper respiratory system – This is the nose, sinuses, and the parts of the airway called the pharynx and the part of the larynx above the vocal chords.
  • Lower respiratory system – This is the portion of the larynx below the vocal chords, the trachea, bronchi and bronchioles (all breathing tubes that get smaller and smaller – especially in the lower lungs)

It’s important to understand that asthma is a syndrome and not just a single disease. Asthma affects the lungs in two ways:

Airway inflammation

Asthma begins with inflammation: The lining of the airways – the breathing tubes leading into the lungs – becomes swollen, inflamed and clogged with mucus and fluid.

Asthma inflammation is the quiet part of asthma. When we talk about quiet asthma, that’s when the inflammation and swelling takes place. You can’t feel or see what’s going on, but each time your airways are exposed to your asthma triggers, the inflammation increases and your symptoms are likely to get worse.


Muscles surrounding the airways tighten and contract as they try to keep the passageways open. Inhaled allergens or irritants like secondhand smoke and air pollution act like sandpaper on the raw surfaces. You begin to cough and wheeze as you struggle to breathe. This is called bronchospasm.

Bronchospam is the noisy part of asthma. Noisy asthma occurs when your airways are so inflamed they’re very sensitive. Exposure to the slightest irritation or allergen triggers bronchospasm – the twitching and sudden constriction of your airways creating the coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath that you can hear.

What is an asthma attack?

If your asthma symptoms are worsening you could be having an asthma attack, also known as an asthma flare, asthma exacerbation, or asthma episode. Any of these signs indicate the need for immediate medical treatment; follow your Asthma Action Plan. Call 911 if you’re not sure.

An asthma attack occurs when an asthma trigger causes the lungs to become inflamed and swollen. The muscles around the breathing tubes tighten or spasm and more mucus than usual is produced. All of these work to make the breathing tubes more narrow and make it harder to get air into the lungs.

How do you stop an asthma attack?

Asthma episodes can be mild or severe. You need to follow your Asthma Action Plan. An asthma action plan is a treatment plan from the doctor will help provide guidance on what to do when it’s hard to breathe. It outlines the medications to use and how to limit your activity if needed. Learn more about asthma symptoms, triggers and treatment so you can prevent asthma attacks and learn how to treat an asthma attack if you do have one.

It is important to understand what triggers your asthma symptoms. Asthma is not a one-size-fits-all disease – what sets off symptoms for you or someone in your family may be quite different from what affects others. When you understand what’s happening inside your lungs and how they respond to allergens and irritants like pollen, dust mites or smoke, you can take steps to prevent or minimize symptoms.

What are common asthma symptoms and triggers?

Common asthma symptoms include:

Coughing: Coughing from asthma is often worse at night or early morning. Sometimes it’s your only symptom. It can be dry or mucus filled.

Wheezing: This is a whistling or squeaky sound especially when you breathe out. Sometimes wheezing can be heard easily; other times you need a stethoscope. A stethoscope is a medical device used to listen to breath sounds.

Chest tightness: This can feel like something is squeezing or sitting on your chest.

Shortness of breath: You may feel breathless, like you can’t catch your breath or breathe deeply enough. You may feel as though you are out of shape and constantly tired.

What are common asthma symptoms and triggers?

Common asthma symptoms include:

Coughing: Coughing from asthma is often worse at night or early morning. Sometimes it’s your only symptom. It can be dry or mucus filled.

Wheezing: This is a whistling or squeaky sound especially when you breathe out. Sometimes wheezing can be heard easily; other times you need a stethoscope. A stethoscope is a medical device used to listen to breath sounds.

Chest tightness: This can feel like something is squeezing or sitting on your chest.

Shortness of breath: You may feel breathless, like you can’t catch your breath or breathe deeply enough. You may feel as though you are out of shape and constantly tired.

What is an Asthma Action Plan?

An asthma action plan is a written personal plan of treatment. If you don’t have one, make an appointment with your doctor to develop one as soon as possible.

An Asthma Action Plan should spell out:

  • how to treat your asthma daily
  • what to do when symptoms get worse
  • how to handle situations such as exercise or when you have a cold or virus.

Your Asthma Action Plan will change as your asthma improves or worsens. You review the plan with your doctor at every appointment, including follow-up visits following an asthma attack as well as when your asthma is under control. The Asthma Action Plan is usually divided into three areas – like a stoplight:

  • Green – For every day, even when feeling well
  • Yellow – When there is a cough, wheeze, shortness of breath or chest tightness
  • Red – When breathing is hard and fast, ribs are sticking out, having trouble talking, walking or sleeping

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© 2021 Allergy and Asthma Network

Last updated : 6/21/2022

Asthma - What Is It? originally published by Allergy & Asthma Network - Asthma
