Featured Los Angeles Area Dermatologists
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Expert Tips & Wisdom
How To Use Topical Retinoids
by Malcolm Ke, MD
Laser Hair Removal
by Ilya Reyter, MD
Spider Veins at Lisa Benest M.D.
by Lisa Benest, MD
Skin Cancer Tips with Lisa Benest M.D.
by Lisa Benest, MD
Restylane® with Lisa Benest M.D.
by Lisa Benest, MD
Wrinkle Treatment Options
by Lisa Benest, MD
Treatment of Basal Cell Skin Cancer
by Lisa Benest, MD
Biologics - Are They Right for You?
by Paul Yamauchi, MD, FAAD
Adults Acne Treatment
by Lisa Benest, MD
The Acne Diet Connection
by Lisa Benest, MD
Restylane® Treatment For Wrinkles
by Lawrence Osman, MD
Acne Treatment with Topical Retinoids
by Lisa Benest, MD
Bleach Baths for Atopic Dermatitis
by Lisa Benest, MD
Patient Education
Adult Acne Treatment Options
The surge of hormones that triggers puberty also triggers acne. But once your hormones settle, your skin often does, too. But that’s not always the case. Many adults still have acne outbreaks... More...
WHAT IS BOTULINUM TOXIN? It is a toxin secreted by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It can cause severe problems if ingested or injected in high doses. It has been used for decades to relieve m... More...
Chemical Peels at Lisa Benest M.D.
Smooth away the lines and wrinkles that make you look older than you feel. Our friendly and experience nurses will create an individualized skin care plan specifically designed for your skin type. Our... More...
CoolSculpting Treatment Overview
WHAT TO EXPECT DURING COOLSCULPTING CoolSculpting is a non-surgical procedure that may take from one to several hours, depending on your treatment plan. No topical anesthesia or pain medication is ... More...
IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) with Lisa Benest M.D.
Improving one’s appearance can promote an inner confidence that projects a more positive image to the world. Whether restoring a more youthful look to your skin, getting a laser treatment for th... More...
Juvederm® with Lisa Benest M.D.
Smooth away the lines and wrinkles that make you look older than you feel. Our friendly and experience nurses will create an individualized skin care plan specifically designed for your skin type. Our... More...
Laser and Light Therapies for Acne with Lisa Benest M.D.
Improving one’s appearance can promote an inner confidence that projects a more positive image to the world. Whether restoring a more youthful look to your skin, getting a laser treatment for th... More...
Laser Hair Removal with Lisa Benest M.D.
Improving one’s appearance can promote an inner confidence that projects a more positive image to the world. Whether restoring a more youthful look to your skin, getting a laser treatment for th... More...
Our Thoughts on Coolsculpting
When diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to trim the fat, CoolSculpting® comes to the rescue. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive body sculpting technique that gives you control over your phys... More...
Rosacea Skin Care
Allan S. Wirtzer, MD, Medical Director What Are Some Rosacea Self-Care Tips? The chronic, relapsing nature of rosacea makes it a particularly vexing disorder to keep under control. Flare-ups, se... More...
Skin Cancer
Dermatology + Cosmetic Surgery Allan S. Wirtzer, MD, Medical Director Skin cancer occurs when skin cells start growing abnormally, causing cancerous growths. Most skin can... More...
Sunscreens - Overview
Sunscreens are an essential tool for preventing skin aging and skin cancers. Sun damaged skin shows wrinkling, is less elastic and sags as well as appears sallow and leathery. In addition, broken bloo... More...