Using extracts of common allergens, a few skin tests demonstrate whether allergy is present. EAA first uses the prick testing method. It is associated with a bit of discomfort and small children may shed some tears. The test is performed by pressing a very small needle coated with the testing solution into the outermost layer of the skin of the forearm.
If the prick tests are negative, intradermal tests may be required in order to not miss significant allergy factors. Intradermal testing involves the injection of a very small amount of testing solution into the top layer of skin on the upper arm. The procedure causes only mild discomfort and less discomfort than with the prick tests.

Allergy testing performed by our staff is generally safe and effective for adults and for children of any age. The allergen extracts or vaccines we use in allergy tests meeting U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requirements.
Symptoms for which you should consider allergy testing include:
- Anaphylaxis (an-a-fi-LAK-sis) is a serious allergic overreaction that affects many parts of the body simultaneously.
- Respiratory: Itchy throat, nose or eyes; nasal congestion, chest congestion, cough, wheezing, watery eyes, or runny nose
- Skin: Hives, itchiness, or eczema
- Abdominal: consistent diarrhea, cramping or vomiting after eating certain foods
- Stinging Insects: severe reaction (beyond simple swelling and redness at the site of the sting) such as trouble breathing, excessive swelling, or numbness.
Although your primary care physician can certainly perform these tests, we recommend they be performed by one of our trained and experienced allergists to achieve the quickest relief.
Source: Vivacare
Last updated : 2/10/2023