Eczema: Coping with Anxiety and Depression

If you’re struggling, here are some tips to help you emotionally cope with eczema:

Find a great support group

This includes finding people who can help you through this in real life or virtually. Talk to other eczema patients, join Facebook support groups or speak with a psychologist.

Use stress-coping techniques

Do something you love – for example, watch a movie, pray, take a nature walk, exercise or start writing in a journal – each of these activities can help reduce anxiety and depression.

Practice gratitude

It will help you focus on the positive things in your life, so that you can stop focusing on negativity. Use visualization, affirmations and meditation. These can all help you relax and reduce stress. Regular meditation can also help you control anxiety by redirecting your thoughts.

Don’t be afraid to cry

Let out your emotions, cry and scream if you need to. Do whatever it takes so you don’t suppress what you’re going through.

Many people may not understand how emotionally painful and draining eczema can be. If you or a loved one are suffering with eczema, remember that the more you support yourself emotionally, the more you can cope with the challenges that eczema.

© 2021 Allergy and Asthma Network

Last updated : 5/17/2021

Eczema: Coping with Anxiety and Depression originally published by Allergy & Asthma Network
